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Senior Spotlight
Bloomer Middle School
Ms. Kostner was nominated for the Golden Talon Award by Ms. Sieg. Early this year when I was gone, Missy helped lead the charge when it came to homecoming activities and events. She is always willing to lend a hand, take pictures, and come up with amazing ideas to keep up our school spirit. I appreciated all of her extra help. Additionally, Missy is a great resource for our students in the library! She loves suggesting books and helping kids find their next great read! Thank you for everything you do here for the staff and students at BHS!
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UWEC Eclipse Program
2021 Youth Girls' BB Camp - Return by June 1 to guarantee shirt.
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This week is National Library Week! Let’s give a shout-out to our AMAZING library staff and volunteers! #blackhawks
👏 Deb Hayden: K-12 Library Media Specialist
👏Michelle Kostner: High School LMC Para Educator
👏Barb Babbitt: Elementary School LMC Para Educator
👏Tina Kelly: Middle School LMC Para Educator
👏Kris Cole: LMC Worker
👏Mary Boese: Elementary School LMC Worker
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Motivation Monday
Mrs. Brunner's 5K friends are wishing you a "Hoppy" Easter!!
Hawk Heroes 4K-2nd grade from last week!
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Senior Spotlight
Student screening.
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Senior Spotlight