Look at the amazing 4K leprechaun traps! Lots of sad and angry 4Kers, that silly leprechaun is still on the loose!
Ms. Primeau's 1st graders have been learning about the history of the Earth and geology. They panned for rocks today and had a blast! Thank you so much to Ferguson's Orchards in Eau Claire for giving this opportunity to them!
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Bloomer Elementary 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade Hawk Heroes of the Week from last week.
Happy St. Patrick's Day from Miss Fried's 5K friends!
Mrs. Lang’s 4K Class had no lucky catching that sneaky Leprechaun but they sure had fun trying! --
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from Mrs. Williams’ 4th Graders! We are feeling so 🍀lucky🍀 to have each other today!
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We can celebrate St. Patrick's Day all month long.
Mrs. Cowell's class got up to some shenanigans on this St. Patrick's Day!
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Motivation Monday
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Happy St. Patrick's Day from Miss Fried's 5K friends!
Throwback Thursday
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These little leprechauns are wishing you lots of luck! Happy St. Patrick's Day from Mrs. Brunner's 5K friends :)
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