Dear Class of 2025,
As the school year ends I want to congratulate you on the completion of your middle school career! You, the class of 2025 are a diverse group, made up of individuals with unique interests and distinct talents. It is your energy, your persistence and your loyalty that distinguishes you from other groups and I am proud of the way you have honed those characteristics these past four years. Together, we have faced challenges and, not only did you persevere, you have grown and matured in countless ways.
High school is a new beginning. Take advantage of the opportunity you have to consider who you want to be and how you will make the most of the next four years. What goals do you have? Where do you see yourself in ten years? It is time to get serious about all that the future has in store for you!. Use your braveness and your boldness to step out of your comfort zone, to form new friendships and to try new and challenging things. Work hard and be kind, and, most importantly, don’t let anyone else define who you are. Believe that you really can be anything you want to be.
Enjoy your next adventure class of 2025!
Mrs. Herrick