Celebrating Seniors #bloomerhawks
almost 3 years ago, BSD
April 6
Thank you to all of the paraprofessionals in the Bloomer School District for your dedication and devotion. "May you be proud of the work you do, the person you are and the difference you make."
almost 3 years ago, BSD
Pictured are Brian Yohnk, of the Bloomer Moose Lodge and Malia Clements, School Counselor at Bloomer High School. Brian presented Malia with the check from the Bloomer Moose Lodge fish fry on February 25th in support of fundraising efforts that Malia is leading to raise funds to provide all students in the Bloomer School District, including St. Paul's Catholic and St. Paul Lutheran Schools with a Bloomer Blackhawk T-shirt. Our hope is to not only provide students with a t-shirt but a sense of community and belonging. We are just shy of half way to our goal. If you would like to make a donation or have any questions on how to donate please contact Malia Clements at Bloomer High School 715-568-2800 #bloomerhawks
almost 3 years ago, BSD
Congratulations to the students who were inducted into the 2022 National Honor Society during a ceremony on Monday evening at Bloomer High School. A special thank you also to our guest speaker Mr. Dennis Rubenzer. Missing from photo: Mazalyn Day, Sara Malinowski, Elise Rothbauer, Tyra Zwiefelhofer & Jessica LaGesse #boomerhawks
almost 3 years ago, BSD
Congratulations to the students who were inducted into the 2022 National Honor Society during a ceremony on Monday evening at Bloomer High School. A special thank you also to our guest speaker Mr. Dennis Rubenzer. Missing from photo: Mazalyn Day, Sara Malinowski, Elise Rothbauer, Tyra Zwiefelhofer & Jessica LaGesse
almost 3 years ago, BSD
Celebrating Seniors #bloomerhawks
almost 3 years ago, BSD
April 5
Bloomer Elementary 4K, 5K, and 2nd grade Hawk Heroes! #bloomerhawks
almost 3 years ago, BSD
Middle School Students at the March Celebration. Staff v. Student Basketball Game!!! Staff are still undefeated :) #bloomerhawks
almost 3 years ago, BSD
National Library Week. #bloomerhawks
almost 3 years ago, BSD
Fish Fry to support BHS Track & Field.
almost 3 years ago, BSD
Job Opening!!
almost 3 years ago, BSD
Job Opening!!
almost 3 years ago, BSD
This week Mr. Tyler Mickelson was nominated by Ms. Kayla Schemenauer for the Golden Talon Award. "He has been the district's long term sub this year and has been wonderful to work with. Tyler has been a fantastic addition to our staff and we are so grateful for his contribution to our students' learning in whatever classroom he has subbed. Thank you, Tyler!"
almost 3 years ago, BSD
Celebrating Seniors #bloomerhawks
almost 3 years ago, BSD
April 4
National Assistant Principal Week - Thank you to Mr. Jason Steinmetz who is the assistant principal and athletic director at BHS. We appreciate you for your dedication, hard work and support.
almost 3 years ago, BSD
Thank you Mrs. Hayden for all you do for our libraries in the district. #bloomerhawks
almost 3 years ago, BSD
Motivation Monday
almost 3 years ago, BSD
Celebrating Seniors #bloomerhawks
almost 3 years ago, BSD
April 1
Abigail Hable, Madilyn Omar, Dominick Meisner, Kayden Walta competed in the Eau Claire regional qualifiers of the Wisconsin Finance and Investment Challenge Bowl at CVTC. They qualified to move on to the state competition in Madison in May. CONGRATULATIONS!! #bloomerhawks
almost 3 years ago, BSD
In Intro to Tech and Engineering Class students designed and built bridges out of balsa wood. They designed their bridges on graph paper, used a scale ruler and then used auto cad to create their designs. After they built their bridges they tested them to see how much weight they held. #bloomerhawks
almost 3 years ago, BSD