Athletics Weekly Calendar

Motivation Monday

Senior Spotlight

Senior Spotlight

Bloomer Middle School Students of the Month

“On Wednesday, the Field Conservation class celebrated the finishing of their Trapper Education Certification by hearing from Mr. Ron Sromek, an experienced trapper. The students were able to see and feel so many different furs! Mrs. Haas and the students would like to say a big, “THANK YOU!” to Mr. Sromek. Your words of wisdom will sit with us all as we venture into the world of trapping!”

Senior Spotlight

A BIG Thank You to Bloomer Police Department and Bloomer Fire Department! It was a fun day in 4K learning how Police Officers and Fire Fighters keep our community safe!
2021-2022 4K Registration is open! If your child will be 4 years old by September 1, 2021, please contact the Bloomer Elementary School at 715-568-2800.

Attention Future Blackhawks!
4K registration is open! If your child will be 4 years old by September 1, 2021, please contact the Bloomer Elementary Office at 715-568-2800. Classes will be Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday, full day. Transportation, breakfast, lunch, and FUN are included!

School Nurse Day

Senior Spotlight

Senior Spotlight

This week Ms. Julia Fossum was nominated by Mr. Seumus Brindle for the Golden Talon Award. "She has taken on a lot with Covid and does it with a positive attitude and a smile on her face. She works with principals on contact tracing, talks to parents who I am sure at times are less than happy to get bad news. She also works with office staff to determine who is sick with what. Then throw in all the changes from the County and CDC on what I think seems like a daily basis, she has done an amazing job helping to keep the schools open this year."

Live stream of this concert will be available at https://www.bloomer.k12.wi.us/page/blackhawktv If for some reason that channel is off air use this channel: https://www.bloomer.k12.wi.us/page/blackhawktv-channel2

Live stream of this concert will be available at https://www.bloomer.k12.wi.us/page/blackhawktv
If for some reason that channel is off air use this channel: https://www.bloomer.k12.wi.us/page/blackhawktv-channel2

Senior Spotlight

Motivation Monday

Bloomer Athletic Schedule for the Week.

Happy Mother's Day!

The Bloomer Middle School staff would like to say "Thank You" to the community for their generosity and appreciation during Teacher Appreciation Week! We are grateful to work in and serve a community as supportive as Bloomer.