Bloomer Elementary Parents -Order your students yearbook now!
Mrs. Lang’s 4K friends were excited to skate right back through those 4K doors!
Happy New Years from Ms. Rosenbrook Babbitt 5K!!! 🥳
Happy New Year from Mrs. Brunner's 5K Friends! Here's to a happy, healthy, and EXCITING 2021!
Ms. Abrahamson was nominated by Mr. Risinger. As we roll into 2021, it is my privilege to pass the award on to BETH ABRAHAMSON. Beth has been doing this whole virtual thing for years by running our Distance Learning Program at an extremely high level. In addition, she wears several hats here at BHS (sorry for those attendance corrections). We are very lucky to have Beth on our team! #notradeclause
Student Screening
Welcome Back!!
Sending holiday cheer and we can't wait until our kinders are here!!
Merry Christmas To All!!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays from the Bloomer Middle School Special Education Team!
Happy Monday. Have a great week:)
Mr. Risinger was nominated by Mr. Jim Huston. I have thoroughly enjoyed our conversations - from politics, to philosophy and literature, I always look forward to your insights (and humor.) I also greatly appreciate how you engage your students and encourage (cajole, drag, beat) them to think at a deeper level.
Congratulations to Bloomer Middle School Students of the Month!
Happy Monday. Have a great week:)
Although we can't be here, these little elves are hard at work and bringing HOLIDAY CHEER!
Ms. Jodie Madison has nominated Mrs. Dee Vahlenkamp for the BHS Golden Talon Award. Dee works in two different departments that can often get overlooked including working in the kitchen and also working with the custodial staff. It doesn't matter what department Dee is working in because she always gives 100% to every task that she completes. Dee takes pride in making sure that her areas are always thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. What I appreciate most about Dee is that she is welcoming to everyone around her and makes everyone feel important and included. Mrs. Vahlenkamp thank you for everything that you do within our BHS community!
Happy Monday. Have a great week:)
Ms. Primeau's 1st graders have been enjoying their zoom time together!