Activities for today.

Congratulations to our latest 4K, 5K, and 2nd grade Hawk Heroes of the week!

Activities for today.

SCORE Academy kids dug for fossils today in science class!

7th Grade Science - Extracting DNA from a Strawberry!

Bloomer 8th Grade girls had their first BB game last evening!

Substitute Position Opening

Activities for today.

Romeo and Juliet are married!! Students in Mrs. Sieg's English 9B class acted out some scenes today from this Shakespeare play!
#bloomerhawks #romeoandjuliet

4K Open House Coming Next Month ~ Mark Your Calendar

Ice Age Field Trip Reminder

Bloomer Elementary handed out jump rope medals (best 2 scores for boys and girls in each grade during their testing in physical education class) and recognized those individuals that will be moving on to the finals. #bloomerhawks

High School Assistant Track Coach Wanted

Activities for today.

Ms. Racheal Haas has nominated Mrs. Jackie Johnson for the Golden Talon Award this week. "Since my very first day Jackie has been by my side to make sure I was successful in my classroom and for that I will be forever thankful. Jackie is always an advocate for her students and is able to make such great connections with what seems like each student she comes in contact with. Her students know she believes in them and they always want to make her proud."

Congratulations Elly, Ben, and Camden!!

Ms. Primeau’s first graders at the best time cheering on their friends at the jump rope competition!

Freshman planning night is tonight.

Motivation Monday

Activities for today.