This week Ms. Nancy Heidorn was nominated by Ms. Kostner for the Golden Talon Award. During these trying times I have witnessed Ms. Heidorn's virtual teaching with her Spanish classes. Her teaching style was interactive, exciting and encouraged students to participate. She is a pleasure to work with and always so friendly. Gracias por todo lo que haces BHS.
Bloomer Elementary 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade Hawk Heroes from last week :)
Bloomer Middle School Student of the Month.
Senior Spotlight
Senior Spotlight
Senior Spotlight
Senior Spotlight
Bloomer Middle School Students of the Month
Bloomer Middle School Students of the Week.
Senior Spotlight
Senior Spotlight
Senior Spotlight
Attention Future Blackhawks!
4K registration is open! If your child will be 4 years old by September 1, 2021, please contact the Bloomer Elementary Office at 715-568-2800. Classes will be Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday, full day. Transportation, breakfast, lunch, and FUN are included!
Senior Spotlight
Motivation Monday
Last chance to order is today.
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Senior Spotlight